The Poker Frog

An online discussion blog about the semi-regular Texas Hold'em Tournament and its coveted prize trophy

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Poker Frog, June 3rd Results

Once again Greg J. Hipius has brought the frog home with him. And this time his win is doubly sweet as it has assured him the Regular Season Championship after starting the night tied with Dustin M. Czarny. Dustin though went on early, being busted out by his own daughter, Kimberly. The night wore on and Greg continued to build up his chip lead busting out previous month winner Michelle Berthod. It came down to three, Mark Holt, Greg Hipius, and Pam Hipius. Greg's chip stack waned as Mark and Pam siphoned off chips left and right. But Greg masterfully slow played a royal straight suckering Mark into an all in bet and taking his entire stack. The stage was set for our first couple showdown as Greg and his wife Pam squared off for the trophy. But after a crippling blow where Greg caught a full house on the river the 2s over Aces. He eventually brought home the Traveling frog trophy and took time to pose with what will become the Regular Season trophy as well.

Any thoughts on the evening?


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