The Poker Frog

An online discussion blog about the semi-regular Texas Hold'em Tournament and its coveted prize trophy

Monday, June 20, 2005

Last minute proposals...

Before the voting deadline of June 20th at midnight, I offer the following proposal regarding the annual tournament.

It is proposed that the annual tournament feature food, drinks, and paper goods of several varieties, as well as plastic cutlery potentially to include, but not limited to: forks, spoons, knives, and even sporks.

It is also proposed that there be much revelrie and merry-making at said event, involving copious banter and jouerism of hoyle.

Finally, it is proposed that Don Cooper neither be permitted to bring strippers to the event, nor to serve in such capacity himself.


At 10:21 PM, Blogger Dustin M. Czarny said...

I agree to everything but the last part.

Don needs friends.


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