The Poker Frog

An online discussion blog about the semi-regular Texas Hold'em Tournament and its coveted prize trophy

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Regular Season Standings Proposal Run Off Thread

1.) Alteration to Season Standing by Dustin M. Czarny

This proposal calls for a sliding point scale for three different types of tournaments, Small, medium, & large.The points for each tournament and their tournament size are as follows:

Small tournament (6 or less players)
1st place 7 points
2nd place 5 points
3rd place 2 points

Average tournament (7-11 players)
1st place 10 points
2nd place 7 points
3rd place 3 points
4th place 1 point

Large tournament (12+ players)
1st place 13 points
2nd place 9 points
3rd place 4 points
4th place 2 points
5th place 1 point

2.) An Alteration to the Season Standings Proposal by Mark Allen Holt

Points are awarded based on the number of players at the table. (12 Players at the table, winner gets 12 points, 5 players at table, winner gets 5 points. etc.) and each place lower gets one less point. eg.

5 players
1st place 5 pts
2nd place 4 pts
3rd place 3 pts
4th place 2 pts
5th place 1 pt

The Poker Frog Committee will determine the seat size for the final tournament at a later date if this proposal is adopted. The highest point winners will qualify for the final table.

Committee members are instructed to vote only once by posting a comment in this thread. Please only chose ONE proposal.


At 1:09 AM, Blogger Greg J. Hipius said...

I vote in favor of proposal two.

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Dustin M. Czarny said...

I vote for proposal 1


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