The Poker Frog

An online discussion blog about the semi-regular Texas Hold'em Tournament and its coveted prize trophy

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Regular Season Standings Proposal Run Off Thread

1.) Alteration to Season Standing by Dustin M. Czarny

This proposal calls for a sliding point scale for three different types of tournaments, Small, medium, & large.The points for each tournament and their tournament size are as follows:

Small tournament (6 or less players)
1st place 7 points
2nd place 5 points
3rd place 2 points

Average tournament (7-11 players)
1st place 10 points
2nd place 7 points
3rd place 3 points
4th place 1 point

Large tournament (12+ players)
1st place 13 points
2nd place 9 points
3rd place 4 points
4th place 2 points
5th place 1 point

2.) An Alteration to the Season Standings Proposal by Mark Allen Holt

Points are awarded based on the number of players at the table. (12 Players at the table, winner gets 12 points, 5 players at table, winner gets 5 points. etc.) and each place lower gets one less point. eg.

5 players
1st place 5 pts
2nd place 4 pts
3rd place 3 pts
4th place 2 pts
5th place 1 pt

The Poker Frog Committee will determine the seat size for the final tournament at a later date if this proposal is adopted. The highest point winners will qualify for the final table.

Committee members are instructed to vote only once by posting a comment in this thread. Please only chose ONE proposal.

Season 2 Proposal Results

The official voting Results:

Proposal 1 Alteration to Season Standing proposal by Dustin M. Czarny 4 yea votes, 2 nay votes Passes must go to run off vote*

Proposal 2 Alteration to Grand Championship Qualifier by Dustin M. Czarny 6 yea votes Passes Enacted with qualification**

Proposal 3 Alteration to Total Chip Amount for Tournaments by Dustin M. Czarny 6 yea votes Passed and will be enacted at next Regular Season Tournament

Proposal 4 Alteration to Season Standing by Pam Hipius 6 yea votes Passes must go to run off vote*

Proposal 5 Alteration to Annual Trophy Names 6 yea votes Passed and enacted immediately

Proposal 6 Alteration to Season Standing by Mark Holt 4 yea votes 2 nay votes Passed and must go to run off vote*

*Since 3 Season Standings proposals passed all three must got to a run off vote. The old rule is automatically discarded. One of these rules will replace the old rule. If no proposal garners 4 or more votes the proposal with the lowest vote total will be discarded and another vote will occur. If the vote is equally deadlocked then a draw of highcard at the next regular season poker frog tournament or at some other point will determine the winner. The card will be drawn by the proposers.

**One of the Season Standings proposals requires the Committee to determine a number of places at the final table and have the top number Regular Season Standings proposals qualify. Since this is in direct contradiction with this current proosal we must wait until the determination of the Regular Season standings proposals. This rule will stand unless that proposal is passed. Then we will have to vote on the number of seats allowed.

I will open a voting thread on all three proposals on Monday June 27, 2005 at 12:00 am . Votes will be due by Wednesday June 29 at 11:59 p.m. In the meantime you can discuss the proposals pros and cons in this thread.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Last minute proposals...

Before the voting deadline of June 20th at midnight, I offer the following proposal regarding the annual tournament.

It is proposed that the annual tournament feature food, drinks, and paper goods of several varieties, as well as plastic cutlery potentially to include, but not limited to: forks, spoons, knives, and even sporks.

It is also proposed that there be much revelrie and merry-making at said event, involving copious banter and jouerism of hoyle.

Finally, it is proposed that Don Cooper neither be permitted to bring strippers to the event, nor to serve in such capacity himself.

Friday, June 17, 2005

The July Poker Frog Date

Heather and I would like to offer up Saturday July 23rd at 7 p.m. as the date for the Season 2 opener of the Poker Frog. Heather and I really feel that Saturdays are better days for this event. It is hard after getting out of work on Friday to get home and get everything ready. What are the committee's thoughts on dates?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Season 2 Voting Thread

This thread is to be used for voting ONLY. The proposals will be listed in order of reception below along with their Author. Once voting is opened on Monday June 20th please post a comment listing the proposal number and your vote (yeah or Nay, ayes or no, affirmative or negative etc etc). If a run off thread is needed I will post one after all votes are entered and notify all by email:

Proposals to be enacted for start of Season 2 July '05

1.) Alteration to Season Standing by Dustin M. Czarny
This proposal calls for a sliding point scale for three different types of tournaments, Small, medium, & large.The points for each tournament and their tournament size are as follows:

Small tournament (6 or less players)
1st place 7 points
2nd place 5 points
3rd place 2 points

Average tournament (7-11 players)
1st place 10 points
2nd place 7 points
3rd place 3 points
4th place 1 point

Large tournament (12+ players)
1st place 13 points
2nd place 9 points
3rd place 4 points
4th place 2 points
5th place 1 point

2.) Alteration to Grand Championship Qualifier by Dustin M. Czarny
All players receiving points in the Season standing race will be qualified for a seat in the Grand championship.

3.) Alteration to Total Chip Amount for tournaments by Dustin Czarny
All players, regardless of tournament size will receive $12,500 in tournament chips. 6 green, 10 red, 10 blue, 10 white.

4.) Alteration to Season Standing by Pam Hipius
The season standing points will be altered as follows:

1st place = 5pts
2nd place = 4pts
3rd place = 3pts

For tournaments of 11 or more players the following places will be added:

4th place = 2pts
5th Place = 1 pt.

5.) An Alteration to the Annual Trophy names

From this championship forward the trophy awarded to the Regular Season champion will be known as "The Regular Season Championship" trophy and the trophy awarded at the annual championship in June will be named "The Grand Annulal Championship" trophy.

For your convenience below are the existing rules the above proposals effect. Remember all proposals are being voted on against the existing rule.

6.) An Alteration to the Season Standings Proposal by Mark Allen Holt

Points are awarded based on the number of players at the table. (12 Players at the table, winner gets 12 points, 5 players at table, winner gets 5 points. etc.) and each place lower gets one less point.

eg.5 players

1st place 5 pts

2nd place 4 pts

3rd place 3 pts

4th place 2 pts

5th place 1 pt

The Poker Frog Committee will determine the seat size for the final tournament at a later date if this proposal is adopted. The highest point winners will qualify for the final table.

Existing rules possibly affected by the above proposals:

Season Standing point allocation
1st place receives 3 points, 2nd place receives 1 point

Championship Qualifier
All players finishing either first or second in regular monthly tournaments are qualified for the Grand Annual Championship

Total Chip Allocation
All tournaments will take a total chip count of $117,500 and divide it equally among the number of players playing in that individual tournament.

Trophy Names

The Regular Season Championship trophy is called the Prince Charming trophy. The Grand Annual Championship trophy is called "The Kermit Trophy".

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Raise Rule

Ok I am opening this thread to discuss the raise rule entirely. Here is what I originally posted:

I am not sure this is a voting thing or part of the enforcement powers of the commissioner but I would like to think about enforcing the normal rules concerning raises in poker. The standard rule adhered to by every poker body is simply this: raises must be equalt to at least the previous bet. For example, if there is a bet of $100 on the table, you would have to raise by no less then $100, making a total bet of $200. A reraise would then have to be no less then $200 more dollars totalling $400.

The reason for this is at both simple and complex. The simple reason is to keep from long drawn out minimum increment raises. It keeps the game flow going.The second reason is for bet strategy. Betting certain large dollar figures knowing your opponent, to raise would have to either go all in or have to risk a good portion of their stack. It is beneficial to both Big stack and short stack at the table.

Poker Frog, June 3rd Results

Once again Greg J. Hipius has brought the frog home with him. And this time his win is doubly sweet as it has assured him the Regular Season Championship after starting the night tied with Dustin M. Czarny. Dustin though went on early, being busted out by his own daughter, Kimberly. The night wore on and Greg continued to build up his chip lead busting out previous month winner Michelle Berthod. It came down to three, Mark Holt, Greg Hipius, and Pam Hipius. Greg's chip stack waned as Mark and Pam siphoned off chips left and right. But Greg masterfully slow played a royal straight suckering Mark into an all in bet and taking his entire stack. The stage was set for our first couple showdown as Greg and his wife Pam squared off for the trophy. But after a crippling blow where Greg caught a full house on the river the 2s over Aces. He eventually brought home the Traveling frog trophy and took time to pose with what will become the Regular Season trophy as well.

Any thoughts on the evening?